Oregon Trail Mini Project

Let’s build a small application to practice what we’ve learned in Mod2. Read throught the entire spec below before starting!

The Oregon Trail

  1. Create a Console Application in Visual Studio.
    • You can call the project and solution Caravan
  2. Initialize a git repository in your solution.
    • Add a remote repository on GitHub

Building our Classes

  1. Create a branch called classes
  2. In your Caravan project, add classes outlined below.
    • Make sure to test your classes!
  3. Commit after each class is complete - you should have 3 commits!
  4. When all three classes have been built, merge your classes branch into your main branch.
  5. Push your main branch to GitHub.

A passenger has a Name, an Age, a Destination, and a Wagon

A Wagon has a Name (like ‘Old Faithful’), NumWheels, Covered (true/false), and Passengers.

Connecting a Database

  1. Checkout a new branch called migrations
  2. Install the following packages:
    • Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
    • EFCore.NamingConventions
  3. Add a CaravanContext class
  4. Add a migration to create your database.
  5. Run your migration!
  6. Commit your work, and merge your migrations branch into your main branch.

EF Queries

In your program.cs create a caravan summary that will output the following information:

  • Count of passengers in each wagon
  • A distinct list of destinations
  • The average age of all passengers
  • The average age of each wagon’s passengers
  • A list of all passengers and the name of the wagon they are riding in

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