Mod 2 Review

Today, we are going to build a small application to practice what we’ve learned in Mod2! Read throught the entire spec below before starting!

The Daily Planet

  1. Create a Console Application in Visual Studio.
    • You can call the project and solution Newspaper
  2. Initialize a git repository in your solution.
    • Add a remote repository on GitHub
  3. ✅ Send a link to your repository to your instructors!

Building our Classes

  1. Create a branch called classes
  2. In your Newspaper project, add classes outlined below.
    • Make sure to test your classes!
  3. Commit after each class is complete - you should have 3 commits!
  4. When all three classes have been built, merge your classes branch into your main branch.
  5. ✅Push your main branch to GitHub, and send a note to your instructors that you have finished the classes!

A reporter has a Name, a Speciality (like Politics, Sports, or Arts) and Articles.

An Article has a Title, Content, a Reporter and an Issue.

An Issue has a Date, and Articles.

Connecting a Database

  1. Diagram an ERD for our three classes (use your notebook, or a diagramming tool)
    • How does each class relate to each other?
    • Where should Primary and Foreign keys be assigned?
    • ✅ send a snapshot of your ERD to your instructors!
  2. Checkout a new branch called migrations
  3. Install the following packages:
    • Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
    • EFCore.NamingConventions
  4. Add a NewspaperContext class
  5. Add a migration to create your database.
  6. Run your migration!
  7. Commit your work, and merge your migrations branch into your main branch.
  8. ✅Push your main branch to GitHub, and send a note to your instructors that you have finished the database setup!

Update Classes

  1. Create a branch called statistics
  2. In your Newspaper project, update your classes to include the methods below.
  3. When all three methods have been built, merge your statistics branch into your main branch.
  4. ✅Push your main branch to GitHub, and send a note to your instructors that you have finished the statistics!

Add the following methods to your Issue class:

  • ArticleCount() - returns the number of articles in the issue
  • ReporterCount() - returns the number of reporters who wrote articles for the issue (unique!)
  • ReporterNames() - returns a list of reporter names represented in the issue (unique!)

🌶️ SQL Queries

Open pgAdmin and write queries for the following:

  • Return all issues and their articles
  • Return the average number of articles per issue
  • Return the average number of articles per issue for a specific reporter (assume you do not know the id of the reporter)

✅Send a slack message to your instructors with each of the three queries above.

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