Stacks and Queues - CS Topic - Data Structure


Today’s lesson on Stacks and Queues will be a mixture of independent research, class walkthrough and discussion, and diving into code implementations.

Independent Learning

Start by taking 30 minutes to independently research the Stack and Queue Data Structures.

I recommend that you start by reading these two articles:

As you’re researching, look for the answers to the following questions.

  1. What are the key operations that can be done on a Stack, what about for a Queue?
  2. What is similar between Stacks and Queues?
  3. What is different between Stacks and Queues?
  4. What are examples of Stacks and Queues “in the wild”?

Also, start thinking about how you would use a LinkedList or an Array to build a Stack or a Queue. We will dig more into implementation in the next section!

Arrays and Linked Lists Review

With your partner discuss the following questions:

  1. What do you remember about Arrays?
  2. What do you remember about Linked Lists?
  3. Why might these both be useful for building Stacks and Queues? (Might be helpful to think about why a dictionary would not be helpful here)

Walkthroughs and Code


The Stack Data Structure can be implemented using either an Array or a Linked List. For today, we are going to implement a Stack using an Array and it will overflow if the Stack is larger than 10.

Fork this repl. With your partner read through the code. Try your best to understand what each line does and determine the Big O time complexity of the operations implemented.

Hungry for more? Try implementing the other key Stack methods: Peek, Size, and IsEmpty!


The Queue Data Structure can be implemented using either an Array or a Linked List. For today, we are going to implement a Queue using a Linked List that keeps track of both the start and end of the list.

Fork this repl. With your partner read through the code. Try your best to understand what each line does and determine the Big O time complexity of the operations implemented.

Hungry for more? Try implementing the other key Queue methods: Peek, Size, and IsEmpty!

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