Linked Lists - CS Topic - Data Structure


Today’s lesson on the linked list data structure comes to you in three parts.

Part 1: Independent research

Part 2: Class walkthrough of key operations and time complexity

Part 3: Diving into a C# implementation of a linked list

Independent Learning

Start by taking 20 minutes to independently research the Linked List Data Structure.

I recommend that you start by reading this article.

As you’re researching, look for the answers to the following questions.

  1. What does it mean for a data structure to be linear?
  2. What is the difference between a linked list and an array? What about with regards to how they are stored in memory?
  3. In the code implementation, you will have a Node class and a LinkedList class. What properties do you think these two classes will have?

Group Walk Through

Let’s walk through a couple of some key operations you might do with a linked list. After we walk through the operation a couple of times, I will call on someone to try and explain the big O time complexity of this operation.

Code Implementation

You will have 15 minutes to work on this code.

The InsertAtBeginning method is working, but to get the InsertAtEnd method working you will need to fill in some code. Complete the TODO by replacing the underlines with code.

Finished InsertAtEnd

Have one partner share their screen, and work together to get InsertAtEnd working!

If you have extra time, you can take a look at this REPL that includes more common linked list methods and try to determine the BigO of each operation. You can check your work with the table in the Summary section on this page.

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