Job Hunt Hustle Intro


Find job you’re interested in, apply to job, interview for job, receive offer: that’s the process right? Sometimes that works, but more often than not the path towards a job offer is more winding and involves more “hustle” on your end.

What do I mean by “hustle”? I think of the hustle as putting in extra time and effort to help you stand out in comparison to the other candidates.

There are so many different activities this can include, and by the end of today we will have a list of “Job Hunt Hustle” activities to choose from.

For “Job Hunt Hustle” we are not going to focus on things that help you ace the interview or grow your qualifications. We instead want to focus on things that help you move closer on the path towards jobs you want. Things that that help get your foot in the door and help you stay top of mind to potential employers.

Examples of Job Hunt Hustle

Example 1

Thoughts from Ian Douglas, a former Turing Instructor

Example 2

Thoughts from a LinkedIn Career Coach

Example 3

A snippet of the path towards Zoe’s first development role:

AppNexus 0 AppNexus 1 AppNexus 2

Example 4

A snippet of the path towards Zoe volunteering with for a week while in college (it’s definitely a bit embarrassing to look back on my old messages, but I think it’s a solid example of thoughtful and genuine persistance paying off):

For additional context Hadi Partovi is the CEO of, a non-profit that creates coding tutorials for K-12 students and pushes to expand k-12 computer science education. They organize The Hour of Code each December. 1 2 3 4

Take a look through the above examples as starting points, then with your group brainstorm ideas for how to “Job Hunt Hustle”. Are there any “Job Hunt Hustle” strategies that have worked for you in the past? When we come back together your instructor will call on groups to share out ideas and compile a mega-list of ideas in Slack.


When talking about hustle, I think it’s also important to talk about rest and self care. The job search can be draining and hustling can be exhausting. We need to keep an eye on our wellbeing and ways we can personally rest and refuel.

You’ll first have a few minutes to think on your own, then we will discuss in small groups, and finally as a class your thoughts on the following question:

How are you currently feeling about starting the job hunt hustle?

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