Authentication Lab

In today’s lab, there are 2 tracks. You may complete the tracks in any order.

Track 1: Experiment with Identity Scaffolding

When we initially implemented the Identity scaffolding, we chose to override all of the login related pages in the Add Identity Dialog. Some of these pages are not necessary. Your task is to experiment with which of these pages you want to include, or not.

For each experiment:

  • Create a new ASP.NET MVC application.
    • You will need a DbContext Class, and the associated program.cs and appsetting.json setup.
    • You will not need any models, though you could create some if you want.
  • Try a new combination of pages to override at this step of the scaffolding.
  • Keep track of what combo you are using, and keep notes about how this selection impacted your application!

✅Send an overview of your experiments and their result to your instructors. Be sure to include which files you chose to override for each experiment (a screenshot is great).

Track 2: Improve Usability of the Application

The application we built in class today is far from perfect. Your task is to identify 3 improvements that you will make to the application.

The improvements must be related to authentication in some way, but could also include:

  • Data Validations
  • Logging
  • Refactoring

✅Send a list of improvements you would like to make to your instructors - they will approve, or ask for updates!

After you list of improvements is approved, checkout a new branch and implement your list!

✅Commit and push your improvements branch. Create a Pull Request and send a link to that PR to your instructors.

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