Intermission Work

We have learned a lot over the past 4 modules - C#, MVC, and APIs are some of the big topics we have tackled. During this intermission we are going to revisit a topic from Mod2: SQL.

In Mods 3 and 4 we primarily interacted with our databases using the ORM Entity Framework. On the job, developers use a combination of ORMs (for development), and SQL (for internal data requests); so it is important to keep those SQL skills sharp! SQL could also come up in an interview 😉

Before starting Module 5, spend a minimum of 2 hours working through these PostgreSQL Exercises.

You must use this tracker to keep track of your progress. Make a copy of the tracker, and rename it so that the title includes your name.

Important: You will see on the tracker that some exercises are required and some are recommended. You are expected to complete all of the required exercises.

✅When you have completed the required exercises, send a link to your tracker to all instructors!

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