
In order to cut down on the time groups could spend deciding on a project, we will use a most-popular vote system to determine the projects, then students will 'opt-in' to projects based on their preference. Students will fill out the project template below, pitch their project, and then we will have an upvoting session where students indicate the most popular projects (each student could have 3 votes maybe?). Then, the instructors can choose the most popular and most engaging projects. Students will then have an opportunity to rank the projects by preference, and they will be assigned to a project group.

The ideation phase will consist of 3 steps:

  • Students will generate ideas
  • Students will share their project pitches
  • Students will choose their preference among the most popular projects

Project Template

Use the following template for your project idea

### [Project Name]

### Pitch
2 - 3 sentences that explains what the application will do.

### End User
* Who is this app target towards? Who is your user?

### Problem
* What problem is your app trying to solve? Why is your app different from any of the other 'similar' apps that are out there.

### Features
* What features will your app include?

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