Oregon Trail Mini Project

Let’s build a small application to practice what we’ve learned in Mods 1, 2, and 3. Read throught the entire spec below before starting!

The Oregon Trail

  1. Fork and Clone this starter repo
  2. Open your forked repository in visual studio
  3. Build the solution - let you instructor know if you get any errors!

Building our Models

  1. Create a branch called models
  2. In your Caravan project, add classes outlined below.
  3. Commit after each class is complete.
  4. When all three classes have been built, create a Pull Request to merge your models branch into your main branch.
  5. Merge your branch into main (using your PR!).

A passenger has a Name, an Age, a Destination, and a Wagon

A Wagon has a Name (like ‘Old Faithful’), NumWheels, Covered (true/false), and Passengers.

Creating our Database

  1. Checkout a new branch called migrations
  2. Update the CaravanContext class to make sure our tables for wagons and passengers get created.
  3. Add a migration to create your database.
  4. Run your migration!
  5. Commit your work, and merge your migrations branch into your main branch using a Pull Request.

User Stories

Update your MVC application to fulfill the following user stories. Create brances for individual features.

As a User
When I visit "/wagons"
Then I see a list of all wagon names
  Each wagon name is a link to that wagon's show page
As a User
When I visit "/wagons/2"
Then I see the details of the wagon with id 2
Then I see all of the passengers riding in that wagon
Then I see a link to add a passenger to that wagon
As a User
When I visit "/wagons/2/passengers/new"
And I fill in the form with a passenger's name, age and destination
And I click 'Add Passenger'
Then I am redirected to that wagon's show page
  And I see the new passenger
As a User
When I visit "/wagons"
Then I see a count of passengers for each wagon
As a User
When I visit "/overview"
Then I see a distinct list of destinations
As a User
When I visit "/overview"
Then I see the average age of all passengers
As a User
When I visit "/wagons"
Then I see the average age of passengers in each wagon
As a User
When I visit "/passengerlist"
Then I see a list of all passenger names and the wagon they are riding in

Lesson Search Results

Showing top 10 results