Creating and Reading Related Resources Preparation

Understanding Forms

Imagine we have an application that tracks vehicles and their owners. A Vehicle belongs to an Owner, and an Owner can have many Vehicles.

  1. What attributes would an Owner have?
  2. What would the form to create an Owner look like?
    • psuedo-code the form in your notebook
    • make sure to include labels, inputs, and submission route!

You might find it helpful to revisit our Creating Resources Lesson!

Adding Complexity to Forms

Now, lets imagine the Vehicle.

  1. What attributes would the vehicle have?
  2. What would the form to create a Vehicle look like?
    • A vehicle can not be created without an owner
    • psuedo-code the form in your notebook
    • make sure to include labels, inputs, and submission route!
    • How will you indicate which owner the vehicle belongs to?

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