Updating Resources in MVC Lab

For today’s lab, we are going to continue building the Record Collection application.


  • Add a form for updating Album
  • Add a form for updating Songs


  • Open your Record Collection project.
    • Run the project, and make sure you have the Record#Index, #Show, #New, and #Create actions working.
  • If you have been absent or can’t find your project, follow these steps:
    • Fork and Clone it from this Starter Repository.
    • Build the project (let your instructor know if you receive any errors!).
      • Open the database in pgAdmin, and create some records by running the following script (feel free to update the albums and artists to your favorites!).
          INSERT INTO albums (title, artist, release_date)
          ('Stop Making Sense', 'Talking Heads', '1984-06-24'),
          ('Banana Winds', 'Jimmy Buffet', '1996-12-06')
    • Check out the branch _______ TODO need a branch _____

Updating Albums

Update your record collection application to satisfy the following user stories. Make sure these new features are well tested!

As a User
When I visit an album show page
Then I see a link to Edit that Album
    And the link takes me to an edit form for that album.
As a User
When I visit the edit form for an album
Then I can update any field on the album
Then I can click 'Update Album'
    And I am redirected to the Album's show page
    And I see the updated Album information

Updating Songs

Update your record collection application to satisfy the following user stories. Make sure these new features are well tested!

As a User
When I visit an album show page
Then I see a link to Edit each song on the album.
    And a single link takes me to an edit form for that song.
As a User
When I visit the edit form for a song
Then I can update any field on the song (but not it's album!)
Then I can click 'Update Song'
    And I am redirected to the Album's show page
    And I see the updated song information

🌶️Add Artist Show Page 🌶️

Update your record collection application to satisfy the following user story. Make sure these new features are well tested! You may need to make database updates to ensure this functionality 😉. When you have questions, post them in slack, or reach out to an instructor!

As a User
When I visit an artist's show page
Then I see a list of all albums the artist is associated with
    And, each album title is a link to that album's show page

Lesson Search Results

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