Query String Parameters Lab


The luxurious mountain ski hotel company Summit Slope Retreats has contracted a team of developers to build an app that will allow customers to view their many incredible hotels.

You’ve just joined the team working on this project, and today’s your first day!

The team has already started building the application. Start by cloning this repo.

Task 1: Getting The App Up and Running

Your first task is to get the application up and running and see at least two test hotels. Once you have this task complete, you should see something similar to the image below.

This task is a bit more tricky than it might originally seem. It’s not as easy as just pressing run! Once you have the app up and running, move on to Task 2, your instructor will call everyone back together shortly to go over Task 1.

Hotels Index Page

Task 2: Location Filtering

You’ve got the app up and running and it’s time to add your first feature. Your client, Summer Slope Retreats, would like their customers to be able to filter by location. Add links to filter by any of the locations where they currently have a hotel. Once you have filtering working, move on to Task 3.

Task 3: Year Built

Customers are loving the new filtering functionality! But they want to know more about their hotel options. You learn from your contact at Summer Slope Retreats that some customers prefer old lodges while others prefer the newest accommodations. Your next task is to display Year Built for all hotels. Before writing any code, brainstorm with your partner what changes you will need to make in the Model, View, and Controller. Send a screenshot of your plan for what changes you will make in a Slack message with both teammates and today’s instructor.

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