Delete Resource Lab


You’ve already had a chance to practice implementing Delete by building a delete button for reviews, so for today’s lab we’re going to do something a bit different than what we covered in class.

You’re going to continue working on the MVC movies app and implement new features to make the application more user-friendly.

Brainstorm Features

In software development, a feature is a specific piece of functionality that fulfills a specific user need or requirement.

We’re going to start this afternoon’s lab by brainstorming possible features we could build to improve our MVC movies app. Specifically, we want to think about features that would make it easier for users to navigate our application.

Take 5 minutes to try using the MVC Movies app and write down features that would make the application more user friendly. When we come back together, your instructor will call on folks to contribute feature ideas and compile them into one big list.

Here is one example of a feature idea: “When a user clicks the name of a movie in the all movies page, it takes them to the movies details page for the movie clicked”


With your partner, you now have a chance to implement some of the feature requests! Before attempting any of the 🌶️ features, implement at least two regular features.


Your instructor will let you know when it’s time to transition to preparing for your presentation.

Each group will give a short 5-minute presentation about one of the features they implemented. 5 minutes is not a lot of time, so you will want to practice a couple of times to make it as smooth as possible. It’s ok if multiple groups share the same feature, the implementation will almost certainly be slightly different!

Here are some questions to help guide your presentation:

  • What feature request did you implement?
  • What was your process for figuring out how to build it? Were there any things you tried along the way that didn’t end up in your final implementation?
  • How did you end up implementing the feature?

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