Week 3 Checks for Understanding
With your group, answer each question below. Spend some time discussing each question without using any resources; use your own recall of the topics covered this week. If, after you have discussed without resources, your group needs assistance, use the raise hand feature and an instructor will come help!
Each question will relate to the table diagram below:
Which of these tables is a
join table
? -
Describe all of the relationships you see in this Restaurant database.
Write the SQL query to get the most expensive food item.
Write the SQL query that would return a count of diners by table.
Imagine you are in Mod3 - a Mod2 student has asked you to help them understand aggregates. How would you explain the query you wrote above to them?
Write the SQL query that would return a list of orders with their table_id.
How do you know when to use
? -
How do you know when to use
? Try to use an example from the Restaurant database in your explanantion.