CRUD with ORM Lab

Lab Objectives

  • Practice CRUD operations using Entity Framework in C#


  1. Create a new console application project in Visual Studio. Name the project “CrudOrmLab”.
  2. Add Entity Framework to your project.

Instructions to create Students

  1. Create a new class called Student with the following properties:
    • FirstName: first name of student
    • LastName: last name of student
    • Age: age of student in years
  2. Create a new class called StudentContext that inherits from DbContext.
     public class StudentContext : DbContext
         public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
  3. In your Main method, create a new instance of your StudentContext, add two new students, and save changes to your database:

     using (var context = new StudentContext())
         var me = new Student { ... };    // use your name and age (age can be any number)
         var celeb = new Student { ... }; // choose a famous person's name, age can be any number
  4. Retrieve the student records you just added and print them to the console:
     using (var context = new StudentContext())
         var students = context.Student.ToList();
         foreach (var student in students)
             Console.WriteLine($"Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Age: {student.Age}");
  5. Update your student record and save the changes:
     using (var context = new StudentContext())
         // Replace "Megan" with your first name (unless your name is actually Megan)
         var me = context.Students.First(student => student.FirstName == "Megan"); 
         if (me != null)
             me.Age = 35;
  6. Delete the celebrity student record and save the changes:
     using (var context = new StudentContext())
         // Replace "McMahon" with your celebrity's last name (unless their last name is actually McMahon)
         var celeb = context.Students.Single(student => student.LastName == "McMahon"); 
         if (celeb != null)

Instructions to create Courses

Great job so far! Repeat the process above to create Courses.

  1. Create a new class called Course with the following properties:
    • Name: name of the course
    • Capacity: maximum number of students
    • Roster: an array of students
  2. Create a new class called CourseContext that inherits from DbContext.
     public class CourseContext : DbContext
         public DbSet<Course> Courses { get; set; }
  3. In your Main method, create a new instance of your CourseContext, add two new courses, and save changes to your database:

     using (var context = new CourseContext())
         var math = new Course { Name = "Algebra", Capacity = 8, Roster = new List<Student>()};
         var science = new Course { Name = "Chemistry", Capacity = 6, Roster = new List<Student>()};
  4. Retrieve the courses you just added and print them to the console:
     using (var context = new CourseContext())
         var courses = context.Course.ToList();
         foreach (var course in courses)
             Console.WriteLine($"Name: {course.Name}, Max Students {course.Capacity}");
  5. Add your student record to the math course and save the changes:
     using (var context = new CourseContext())
         // Replace "Megan" with your first name (unless your name is actually Megan)
         var me = context.Students.First(student => student.FirstName == "Megan"); 
         var math = context.Courses.First(course => course.Name == "Algebra");
         if (math != null && me != null)
  6. Delete the science course and save the changes:
     using (var context = new CourseContext())
         var science = context.Courses.Single((course => course.Name == "Chemistry"); 
         if (science != null)

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