Version Control Lab

Lab Objectives

  • Practice committing, branching, merging, and pushing.
  • Revisit some mod1 topics


Git Flow Diagram

Individually, you are going to diagram the git workflow that you might use when creating the program described below. Be as specific as possible in your diagramming - write out the steps for each git process that you use. Your diagram should include at least: 1 branch, 2 pushes, and 5 commits.


We are going to create the software system that will help a store manage it’s inventory. Your store can sell any kind of item you want.

  • You will need a class Inventory and at least two classes for the types of items the store sells. For example, you could have Inventory, Car, Motorcycle, or Inventory, Yarn, Knitting Needle, or Inventory, Book, Movie.
  • This project should be fully tested, with unit tests for each class.
  • The methods and properties you create are up to you - if you need some inspiration or help coming up with methods, reach out to your instructor!

After you have diagrammed your git workflow, you will discuss your workflow in small groups. Pay close attention to how your processes differ from your cohort-mates. There is no “right” way to complete this exercise, but there are some steps in the git workflow that are necessary; reach out to your instructors with any questions!

Create a slack DM with your small group members in preparation for the next section.

Practicing Git Workflow

Now, we are going to put your workflow into practice!

Individually, create a new Console App in Visual Studio and implement your E-Store Inventory program using the git workflow you diagrammed in the first section of the lab. This is a great opportunity to practice some Mod1 topics and reinforce the learning goals from today’s lesson.

As you go, if anything does not go as you planned, reach out first to your lab group, and then to your instructor with questions.

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