Using Technical Terminology

Learning Goals

  • Practice using technical terminology to describe code.
  • Practice presenting technical topics in a group setting.

Describing a class

In small groups, you will be reviewing the code below. Your instructor will assign your group a section of lines that you will be discussing as a group and presenting to the larger cohort. Use as many technical terms as you can - for example, use ‘string’ instead of ‘words’. You will have 8 minutes in small groups to discuss - elect one member of your group to lead your share-out.

class GarbageTruck
//Section 1
    public string Manufacturer;
    public string Model;
    public int Year;
    public double FuelLevel;
    public int TrashCapacity;
    public int TrashLevel;
    public bool IsMoving;
    public int DistanceDriven;

    public GarbageTruck(string manufacturer, string model, int year, double fuelLevel, int trashCapacity)
        Manufacturer = manufacturer;
        Model = model;
        Year = year;
        FuelLevel = fuelLevel;
        TrashCapacity = trashCapacity;
        TrashLevel = 0;
        IsMoving = false;
        DistanceDriven = 0;

    public string Info()
        string info = "";
        info += $"Manufacturer: {Manufacturer}\n";
        info += $"Model: {Model}\n";
        info += $"Year: {Year}\n";
        info += $"Fuel Level: {FuelLevel} gallons\n";
        info += $"Trash Capacity: {TrashCapacity} units\n";
        info += $"Trash Level: {TrashLevel} units\n";
        info += $"Distance Driven: {DistanceDriven} miles\n";
        if (IsMoving)
            info += "Moving: Yes\n";
            info += "Moving: No\n";
        return info;

//Section 2
    public void Start()
        if (fuelLevel > 0)
            isMoving = true;
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck has started.");
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck has no fuel and cannot start.");

    public void Stop()
        isMoving = false;
        Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck has stopped.");

    public void CollectTrash(int amount)
        if (isMoving)
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck is moving and cannot collect trash.");
        else if (trashLevel + amount > trashCapacity)
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck cannot collect that much trash. It is already full.");
            trashLevel += amount;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} units of trash have been collected.", amount);

// Section 3
    public void EmptyTrash()
        if (isMoving)
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck is moving and cannot empty its trash.");
        else if (trashLevel == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck has no trash to empty.");
            trashLevel = 0;
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck has emptied its trash.");

    public void Drive(int distance)
        if (isMoving)
            distanceDriven += distance;
            fuelLevel -= distance * 0.1; // Assume 1 gallon of fuel is consumed for every 10 miles driven
            Console.WriteLine($"The garbage truck has driven {Distance} miles.");
            Console.WriteLine("The garbage truck is not moving and cannot be driven.");


Describing Program Flow

In small groups, you will be reviewing the code below. You should prepare to share out for any line of code - your instructor will call on groups to share specific lines. Use as many technical terms as you can - for example, use ‘string’ instead of ‘words’. You will have 10 minutes in small groups to discuss - elect one member of your group to lead your share-out.

In this example, there is some code that exists but is not shown - what assumptions can you make about other classes that must exist in this program?

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("Enter your name: ");
        string name = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.Write("Enter your age: ");
        int age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Person person = new Person(name, age);

        Console.WriteLine("Welcome, " + person.Name + "!");

        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                Console.WriteLine(i + " is even.");
                Console.WriteLine(i + " is odd.");

        Console.WriteLine(person.Name + ", you are " + person.AgeInDogYears() + " in dog years.");

        Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using this program!");

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