Launch - Mod 0 Syllabus

Your Instructors

The Launch Program instructors and director will guide you through the Mod 0 sessions:

  • Eric Weissman (Slack: @Eric Weissman)
  • Megan McMahon (Slack: @megan)
  • Richard Tillies (Slack: @ProfessorT)
  • Zoe Farrell (Slack: @zoe)
  • Scott Ertmer (Slack: @ertmer)

If you have any questions about the course or computer setup, contact any of us via Slack.


Mod 0 is a prerequisite course for attending Turing. The primary focus of the course is setting students up with the necessary tools and programming foundations to be successful in the full-time course. Students will be evaluated throughout the course on their communication, collaboration, and technical skills.

Computer Literacy Skill Requirements

While computer literacy skills have never been an entry requirement for students at Turing, we recognize that some students may need to spend more time developing these skills to feel comfortable in this remote learning environment. Read through the following skills to identify where you might need to spend more time practicing before starting your Turing journey.

  • Typing Speed: While not a requirement for the program, a typing speed of 50 words per minute or faster is a nice goal to achieve as a developer. Typing quickly and accurately without looking at the keyboard will make many things easier throughout your time at Turing. Also, you will find that typing code is different than typing “regular” text (e.g. a letter or essay).
    • You can test your current typing speed here.
      • The 1-minute, 3-minute, and 5-minute timed tests are FREE!
      • Select a timed test and follow the directions to complete the test and see your results!
    • You can also test your code typing speed here.
      • Just start typing, don’t stop until you’re done!
      • Once you’re finished, scroll down to the bottom to see your results.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: The students who are most successful at Turing regularly use keyboard shortcuts to complete routine tasks on the computer. Prior to starting your time in Mod 0, you should be comfortable with at least the following commands:
    • Ctrl + c - copy
    • Ctrl + v - paste
    • Ctrl + x - cut
    • Ctrl + f - find words
    • Ctrl + s - save a file
    • Ctrl + q - quit an application
  • Navigating the Windows 11 Environment: If you are new to using Windows, or even if you are familiar with previous versions of Windows, you may be interested to learn some of the differences and new features introduced in Windows 11.

Before Your First Mod 0 Session

There are several steps you must complete before attending your first session of Mod 0.

  1. Thoroughly and carefully read through this Syllabus.
  2. Review the information for your first Mod 0 session:
    • Date: Monday, September 11th
    • Start time: 6PM MST (feel free to sign on a few minutes early!)
    • Zoom link: The zoom link will be shared in your Slack channel (#mod0_launch_2310) prior to the event starting!
  3. Prep Your “Why” - During the first session of Mod 0, you will break out into small groups and share your “why” for taking this step to launch your career in tech, and your goals moving forward for your life. Spend some time reflecting on your motivations for being here, and how to communicate that best to your peers so they start to understand you and what drives you. Be prepared to share that with the group in 1-2 minutes.



Students are expected to attend all scheduled live sessions, on time. Staff will work on a case-by-case basis with students who communicate any prior commitments or have emergencies arise. If a student must miss a live session, it is the student’s responsibility to proactively let staff know, and make a plan for how they will make up for any content missed.


All sessions will be held via zoom. Your cohort’s Zoom link will be bookmarked in your Mod0 Slack channel.

  • Monday September 11th from 6pm-8pm MT
  • Tuesday September 12th from 6pm-8pm MT


All Turing staff members will use Slack as the primary means of communication with students. As an incoming student, any information you need can usually be found in our Turing Slack workspace. As a norm, we expect members of our community to respond to Slack messages within 24 hours.


Every student must pass Mod 0 before they are officially accepted and enrolled in the Launch program. Your instructors will be reviewing a few key areas during your time as Mod 0 student:

  • Maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment: We will be creating norms for our cohort to ensure we are creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. If your actions, words, communication or behaviors violate these norms, you will not be continuing on to the Launch program.
  • Accountability: As a Turing student, you are in class during the scheduled times. If you have any issues that come up, you communicate those proactively with your instructors.
  • Engagement: As a Turing student, you are expected to actively engage and participate in every session. This looks like having your camera on, responding to questions, collaborating with your group in breakout rooms, etc.
  • Successfully completing the Mod 0 Course: We will provide more details on what assignments you’ll need to complete when we start Mod 0!

Required Supplies

This may be your first time learning and/or working in a remote setting. There are a few key tools we recommend to set yourself up for success as a remote student.

  • Notebook + Writing Utensils: While you will be working on your laptop while you code, work on projects, etc., we recommend using a physical notebook to take notes during class and workshops. Yeah, that’s right: good ol’ paper and pencil/marker/pen/etc!

  • Dedicated Workspace: It is crucial to have a workspace that has access to a reliable internet connection and is both quiet and free from distractions. Take time before Mod 0 to build your workspace and experiment with different setups until you find a configuration that works for you.

Optional Supplies

  • External Monitor/Display: An extra monitor will allow you to have more screen space to write code, review technical documentation, and be more efficient in a remote workspace.
  • Headphones with Microphone: While your Turing-issued laptop has built-in speakers and a microphone, if your workspace has a lot of ambient noise, it might be a good idea to invest in headphones + microphone.
  • External Monitor/Display: We strongly suggest obtaining a second monitor to use with your laptop. This extra monitor will allow you to have more screen space to write code, review technical documentation, and be more efficient in a remote workspace. If you have any issues obtaining a second monitor, please reach out to Eric Weissman on Slack!
  • Laptop Stand: These can be useful when using a separate keyboard and for preventing strain on your neck. This also creates more real estate for your workspace.
  • External Keyboard: You may benefit from using a different keyboard than the integrated one in your laptop, especially if you are using a laptop stand. If you plan to use a wired keyboard, you’ll likely need the USB-C hub mentioned above to connect to your keyboard in addition to your charger and monitor.


We do our best to work with students who need additional accommodations while attending Turing. If this applies to you, please review this form prior to starting Mod 0 at Turing and communicate with the Mod 0 Lead.

Enrollment Questions

In order to secure a seat as a student at Turing, one must complete all the registration paperwork (including uploading a HS Transcript) and pay their deposit. If you have any questions regarding your status with those items or your start dates, please first check your Populi account. If you still have questions or need to make a change to your enrollment status, please email

Tuition Questions

If you are enrolled in Mod 0, that means you’ve paid your deposit. The remainder of your tuition is due 30 days prior to your Mod 1 start date. Turing does provide financial counseling, however, it is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of that resource if needed, and that should be done well in advance of the tuition deadline as exceptions will not be made. To set up a financial counseling session or ask clarifying questions about your tuition, please email

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